Leadership and collaboration for economic innovation and inclusive growth

ERLN Working Guides


Regional economic development practice guides, case studies and course simulations for practitioners operating within sub-national regions of South Africa. 

Read an overview here or use the menu on your right to browse the ERLN Working Guides. 

Case study 3: USE-IT

Regional economic development stresses concepts like partnership, value chain development, beneficiation, innovation, scalability, SMMEs, job creation and the green economy. There is no shortage of ideas and theories about what each of these concepts might mean practically or even efforts to give effect to them. USE-IT is an innovative Durban-based Section 21 company that has an operating model that manages to incorporate all of these ideas in order to maximise impact. USE-IT is the story of how simple ambition can generate a powerful and complex set of activities and interactions with multiple outcomes. 

Changing Approaches to Regional Economic Development: Focusing on Endogenous Factors

By Robert J Stimson (Immediate Past President of RSAI and UQ Social Research Centre, Institute for Social Science Research The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) and Roger R Stough (President of RSAI and School of Public policy George Mason University Fairfax, VA, US), March 2008.